Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Yes, I know. I know everything. I live in everywhere. Wait, Eternity, what is this Amperi speaking?


Infinity and Eternity are two characters who represent infinity and eternity of the universe. They will appear in the End of Everything trilogy.


  • They both know everything and anything in the world
  • They are everywhere and anywhere in the world
  • They can cross time and space and create new dimension.
  • They are not bound to this universe. They exist everywhere.
  • They can use all powers, having an infinite mastery over all of them. They are also granted the ability to use all their powers indefinitely, as they have an unlimited supply of energy.
  • Infinite knowledge.
  • Infinite Wisdom.
  • They can use any superpowers
  • Know the past, present and future.
  • Can tell the future and use instant mind reading.
  • They can easily destroy a planet just by willing it.
  • They are gifted with the divine power of creation.
  • They can open doors to other reality. Infinity can do that by transporting the person to any space/universe while Eternity can transport the person back any time and space.
  • Infinity can warp the fabric of reality (Reality Warping). Infinity can alter probability. rewrite physics or even randomize the universe.
  • Eternity can manipulate time, slow down and accelarate time around them. She can rewind time. She has knowledge of all the existing timelines and universes that surround the universe of Shade 10: Evolutions.


Infinity and Eternity's powers can be cancled out by another omnipotent character. They can be harmed by some life forms which are created in a dimension left unchecked by them. They cannot manipulate a person's free will. Though they can see all, know all and do all, their powers are locked away so that they would not interfere with sentient life until now...


  • Infinity is made out of stars with a masculine appearance. His facial features are that of anything from Human to Celestialsapien.
  • Eternity is just made out of space itself and has feminine appearance. Her facial features are that of anything from Human to Celestialsapien.


  • They are the most powerful beings in every universes. In Shade 10 universe, they put the triple selves in Celestialsapiens so that they won't turn against them.
  • They created the Forge of Creation (in Shade 10 universe).

Reality Warpers
