Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

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Omni-Cars is a series by Ahmad and Speedy (Co-writer) that follows Herbie 2.0, the car, as he does stuff. It is supposed to have 3 seasons, and it was created on December 15, 2012.


  • "Brad upgrades his Father's "Love Bug" which was an old rusty car called Herbie, he upgraded it into Herbie 2.0. The Car can now enhance itself with alien DNA.

Brad and his best friend should use the car to save the world from EVIL Trucks possessed by Galvanic Mechamorphes, without letting their dads know that Herbie cannot only talk, but transform!"


Main article: (Your Series Name) Episode Guide


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  • Herbie 2.0
  • Brad
  • Tuck
  • Mr. Samsmith


  • Big Ed


  1. Swamptire (Methanosian DNA): Swamptire can generate Fire Flames, build Technologic Plants, and ram into other cars. His Speed is 250 KM/h. He can also regenerate
  2. High Wheels (To'kuster DNA): He is the largest Mode, ram hardly into other cars. His Speed is 500 KM/h.
  3. Fasttrack (Cetrakayah DNA): He can ram into other Cars. His Speed is 500 KM/h.
  4. Jetway (Aerophibian DNA): He can fly into the Sky and go into Space. He can shoot lasers. His Speed is 450 KM/h. He has a Submarine Mode.
  5. Nanotech (Nanochip DNA): He can shrink into drastic sizes. He can fly. He can shoot small Electric Blasts. His Speed is 150 KM/h.
  6. Vehicledrillo (Talpaedian DNA): He can drill through the ground. He has great armor. His Speed is 50 KM/h
  7. Eatar (Gourmandoid DNA): He can eat through other stuff. He can hardly ram into other cars. He has a great Armor. He can shoot lasers. His Speed is 100 KM/h.
  8. Matteroid (Osmosian DNA): He can absorb matter and make them a great armor. He can ram into other stuff. His Speed is 50 KM/h.
  9. Ghostride (Ectonurite DNA): He can phase and go invisible. He can also fly. His Speed is 100 KM/h.
  10. Diamondfront (Petrosapien DNA): He has great Diamond Armor. He can attack with Diamonds Attacks. His Speed is 50 KM/h.