Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Preparation is the first episode of Duo of Dimension 12.


Unknown Planet
March 9, 2013, 19:41 EST+5

Part One[]

[The episode begins with a small meteorite-like space pod flying in space. Many asteroids go past it, making it go even faster. It seems to be heading for Mars. A meteorite knocks it, making it head for instead. A small eight-year old with black hair wakes up inside it.]

[Boy]: Huh? What happened? I swear I heard a crash..

[Feeling worried, he looks through the window and sees Earth.]

[Boy]: What?! I should be heading for Mars, not this blue planet!

[He looks in the basket next to him.]

[Boy]: Phew! Prince Gokan's still here. For a moment I thought he was gone! Anyway, what am I supposed to do? I can't control it; I don't even know how to ride it!

[We enter planet Earth and it seems the pod is heading for a mountain.]

[Boy]: Aw, man! Work a miracle, you piece of junk!

[The pod crashes into the mountain, causing the two boys to fall out. Blood drops from the boy's face and the baby's crying.]

[Boy]: Gokan!

[They both fall and knock out. Days pass and finally someone notices them.]
