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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ry-10/Jon: Ultimate Adventures:Time Is Everything
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General Information
Series Ry-10
Season 1
Episode number 3
Episode number in production order 3
Overall episode number 3
Written by Ben10Omniverse10 & Polarbear114
Directed by Ben10Omniverse10 & Polarbear114
Episode Guide
Previous episode [[[Forth Doctor Animo!]]]
Next episode [ Enemy As Old As Me!]]]

Ry-10/Jon: Ultimate Adventures crossover special: Time Is Everything

Jon: Ultimate Adventures created by: Polarbear114 

*Ryan and Melody are sitting in the Rustbucket. Grandpa has gone to get some parts to fix a problem with the RV’s engine*

Ryan: “Ugh, I’m so bored!”

*Ryan begins to fiddle with the Omnitrix. Melody sees this*

Melody: “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

Ryan: “Not like I have any other form of entertainment.”

*The Omnitrix suddenly starts issuing brown sparks*

Ryan: “Crap-crap-crap-crap!”

*There’s an explosion of energy. Light radiates from inside the Rustbucket, and Ryan, from Melody’s point of view, is completely obliterated. But in reality, Ryan was transported elsewhere. He was currently knocked out, but wakes up at the sound of footsteps*

Ryan:“Ow, my head.”

*Ryan sits up, and sees he’s suddenly on the street*

Ryan: “What? Where am I? This doesn’t look like Bellwood.”

Jon: “Why are you sitting on the street?”

*Ryan quickly turns his head in the direction of the voice*

Ryan: “I’m not sure.”

*The young kid sneaks a glance at the Omnitrix. It seems to have calmed down, but whatever had happened seemed to have forced it to recharge, as the face was orange instead of brown. Ryan stands up*

Ryan: “I’m Ryan.”

Jon: “I’m Jon. Though I don’t think you knew that considering you have an Omnitrix. How did you get here?”

Ryan: “ did you know about the Omnitrix?”

*He holds up his right wrist to show it off*

Ryan: “Unless….”

*Ryan groans*

Ryan: “Of course I end up in another dimension.”

Jon: “Another dimension? Not another alternate reality Omnitrix wielder! Though I have a bit of an upgrade to yours.”

*Ryan’s Omnitrix beeps. The face has turned brown again, signaling it was charged*

Ryan: “Yes!”

*A sound makes both Omnitrix wielders turn around, as a black Chronosapien emerges from a red portal*

Ryan: “Hey, I recognize that guy...or rather ‘I recognize him based on one of the Omnitrix’s aliens’. He kind of looks like-.”

*Ryan pauses, trying to come up with a name*

Ryan: “Timey-Wimey! That’s what I’ll call him.The name fits, and it’s a reference to one of my favorite TV shows.”

Jon: “Timey-Wimey? Seriously? The alien you are describing, I call him Clockwork.”

Ryan: “Hey, alternate Omnitrix wielder remember? I get to name my transformations whatever I want.”

*Realization washes over Ryan’s face*

Ryan: “Oh no. I just remembered who this is. This is very, very bad.”

Jon: “Who is he?”

Ryan: “Maltruant. I fought him way the future...I guess.”

Jon: “Maltruant? I remember Paradox mentioning Maltruant. Never thought we would ever meet.”

Ryan: “Well, unluckily, you did.”

*Ryan raises his left hand, positioning his right arm in a pose that enabled him to smack on his Omnitrix*

Ryan: “Ready Jon? I think it’s hero time.”

*But when Ryan attempts to transforms, the Omnitrix merely make a whirring noise*

Ryan: “What the heck!? You were charged not two seconds ago! What a tease!”

Jon: “Good thing I’m all ready to choose an alien”

Ryan: “Keep Maltruant busy. I’ll try to boot up my Omnitrix again.”

Jon: “ How do I keep a time guy occupied? Well, he’s a big clock thing, so hitting him hard is the best idea!”

*Jon hits his Ultimatrix and transforms into Humungousaur. Ryan’s jaw drops at the form*

Ryan: “Aw man! Wish I had that form!*

*Humungousaur runs towards Maltruant. Ryan runs into a nearby alley, and starts repeatedly smacking his Omnitrix*

Ryan: “Come on! I need to help Jon hold Maltruant in place!”

*Ryan slaps it one more time, and the Omnitrix beeps*

Omnitrix: “DNA scanned and recognized. Chronosapien. Now available in playlist one.”

Ryan: “Huh? Wait...That means I’ve got Timey-Wimey back!”

*Ryan activates his Omnitrix, turning into Clockwork/Timey-Wimey. Once the transformation is complete, Ryan come out from the alley*

Ryan: “Hey Maltruant! Eat this!”

*Ryan fires a brown time ray at Maltruant, and the black Chronosapien seemingly disappears. Ryan’s Omnitrix beeps, and he transforms back to human in a flash of orange light*

Ryan: “He’ll be back. I know it.”

*The kid turns to Jon*

Ryan: “Got any backup in your dimension?”

*Humungousaur hits his Ultimatrix symbol and reverts to Jon*

Jon: “ My sister, April at the moment. Jack is out doing a mission for the Plumbers. Why? You want me to call her?”

*Ryan adopts a sarcastic tone*

Ryan: “No, I was asking because I’m looking for a date.”

*He then proceeds to yell…*


Jon: “Dude, keep your watch on. I’ll call her but we do have another problem other than Maltruant.”

*Ryan groans, both at Jon’s lame ‘keep your watch on’ comment, and at the thought of another threat*

Ryan: “What is it now? Some evil relative who’s looking for planetary domination or something?”

Jon: “There’s always someone looking to take over the planet. I’m just wondering how you hope to get back to your dimension? Let alone the implications of having another Omnitrix wielder here.”

*Ryan holds up his Omnitrix*

Ryan: “The Omnitrix got me into this mess, and I think it’ll get me out of it. Besides, I’ve got Ti-.”

*He breaks off, realizing Jon was right in berating his naming choice*

Ryan: “-’Clockwork’ unlocked permanently now. Unlike last time where he was locked up again after I used him.”

Jon: “Glad you’re not saying Timey-Wimey any more. I’ll text April, get her to meet us at our base or the Plumber base here. Probably the Plumber Base.”

*Jon gets his phone out and proceeds to text April.*

Ryan: “Why would you need a base if all you do if fix toilets?”

*He smacks himself in the forehead a few second later*

Ryan: “You mean the alien hunting Plumbers right?”

Jon: “Yep.”

Ryan: “They should really use a less confusing name. So..Got a plumbing store for Headquarters like my dimension does?”

Jon: “Plumbing store? We just display it here. No-one cares about the Plumbers as they know we are hero’s. The public even knows I transform into aliens.”

Ryan: “Well, my Plumber Headquarters is hidden underneath a plumbing store. My Plumbers are still secret. I’m not a public superhero either.”

Jon: “I never wanted to be a known hero, just sort of happened one day.”

*Jon’s phone goes off signalling a text has come through. Jon opens the text*

Jon: “April said she’ll be there in 5 minutes. Come on.”

*Jon walks off and Ryan follows. Soon, they enter the Plumber Base and April is waiting there. Jon and Ryan walk over. Jon and April hug.*

April: “So who is this?”   

Jon: “Ryan. Another alternate Omnitrix wielder. Ryan this is April.”

Ryan: “Yo.”

*Ryan looks to his Omnitrix, which is still recharging. He groans*

Ryan: “Rats.”

*Ryan looks up at April*

Ryan: “I don’t suppose you’ve heard of Maltruant from Jon?”

April: “A bit. But we never expected to meet him.”

Jon: “Paradox only asked me if I wanted to join in the time war, but never got to me.”

April: “How do you know Maltruant anyway Ryan?”

Ryan: “I was involved in the Time War. Well, a Time War. Don’t know if we’re talking about the same one.”

Jon: “I presume it’s the same one. To be honest, I have no clue. Never do when Paradox is involved.”

*Ryan shrugs in agreement*

Ryan: “Anyway, We have a little leverage with both Jon and I having Clockwork’s DNA unlocked in both of of our Omnitrixi, but we need some help.

*Ryan looks April in the eyes*

Ryan: “Care to help us out April?”

April: “If it’s against this Chronosapien, I don’t mind helping but from here. Like giving you two information about where Maltruant is.”

Jon: “I can understand that.”

*Ryan smirks, a taunt on the tip of his tongue*

Ryan: “What, too much of a sissy to do some field work?”

*April absorbs the metal from the computers. Ryan raises his hands in surrender*

Jon: “Calm down April.”

Ryan: “Yeah, don’t worry. I was only testing to see if you had any superpowers.”

*April reverts back to her Human form*

Jon: “Best not to get her worked up. April, any signs of anything, Maltruant or other villains, tell me.”

April: “Got it. Though if you and Ryan are split up, how do I contact Ryan?”

*Ryan pulls out his universe’s version of the Plumbers’ Badge. It’s similar to the face of his Omnitrix with the hourglass being brown, but is sleeker and doesn’t have any brown ‘dots’ like the faceplate does*

April: “Well that answers that. Though Jon, why are you trusting him? We don’t even know him.”

Jon: “True we don’t, but one; he hasn’t tried to kill me. Two; Paradox hasn’t shown up so nothing can be too bad.”


*Sure enough, the universe bites Jon in the butt, as Maltruant emerges from a portal*

Jon: “Oh for. How much of a threat from 1 being a stone to 10 being end of the Universe, how bad is Maltruant? Just want to know since he is in MY Universe.”

*Ryan holds up a ‘scorecard’ with the number one thousand on it*

Ryan: “This bad.”

April: “You could have just said!”

Jon: “So, Humungousaur didn’t work last time, so...”

Ryan: “I know! let’s both use Clockwork!

*Ryan activates his newly-charged Omnitrix*

Ryan: “And just for the record Jon, I’m going to call him Timey-Wimey, and you can’t stop me!”

*Ryan slaps down on the Omnitrix, transforming into his Chronosapian form. However, before Jon can transform, Maltruant blasts him with a time ray, seemingly obliterating him*

April: “JON!”

*April absorbs the metal from the computers turning into metal form.*

Ryan: “Be careful April. I know what he’s capable of.”

*Ryan and Maltruant each blast a time ray at the same instant. But Maltruant overpowers the transformed teen, and Ryan is sent flying backward, crashing into the main computer monitor and turning back to human form in a flash of orange light*

Maltruant: “Ah, and now that that pest is out my way, you are defenseless April Marron.”

April: “How do you know my name?”

*Ryan has recovered, and has heard this*

Ryan: “That’s what you think!”

*He slaps his Omnitrix, but doesn’t transform*

Ryan: “What!?”

*He looks to the face, and sees that it’s brown*

Maltruant: “I have frozen your Omnitrix in time. You are powerless.”

*Ryan looks in April’s direction*

Ryan: ““April, don’t do anything senseless!”

*April doesn’t listen, and runs up to Maltruant. She nails him with a punch, knocking the ‘key’ from the Chronosapien head*

Ryan: “Impressive. Stupid and senseless, but impressive. Now Maltruant can’t travel through time!”

April: “That’s what I was hoping for.”

*April’s eyes look around, showing she was just lucky in her punch. Ryan runs up, skids under Maltruant’s legs, and grabs the key*

Ryan: “Maltruant, I may not have been using my Chronosapien transformation for very long, but I know Jon isn’t dead. Tell me where you sent him-.”

*The kid holds up the key*

Ryan: “-And you get this back.”

*Just then, a purple portal opens, and Jon, transformed into Wildvine falls through it, having pinned down a familiar foe*

Ryan: “Eon!? Not you as well!”

*Ryan sticks Maltruant’s key under his arm, and looks to his Omnitrix*

Ryan: “April, are there any teleporters here? I need Azmuth to unfreeze my Omnitrix.”

Wildvine: “Who needs teleports when I have Grey Matter. Though if I get off Eon, he’ll escape. Plus Azmuth will be too interested in another Omnitrix wielder than fix your Omnitrix. What is wrong with it?”

*Ryan jabs a finger in Maltruant’s direction*

Ryan: “That jerk froze my Omnitrix in time, and now I can’t use it.”

Wildvine: “I’d love to help, but like I said, if I move, Eon will try and escape. April?”

April: “You want me to pin Eon down while you fix his Omnitrix?”

Wildvine: “Unless Ryan has any other ideas which don’t involve calling Azmuth up!”

Ryan: “What about teleporting my Omnitrix to Azmuth instead?”

April: “It’s Ryan’s call.”

Wildvine: “Fine, but I’m not sure how long the Ultimatrix has before it times out.”

*April goes over to the computer and inputs some numbers.*

April: “Already. Ryan you sure about this?”

Ryan: “Aprill, I’m more sure about this than anything in my entire life.”

April: “Here goes nothing.”

*April presses the button. Ryan’s Omnitrix teleports off his wrist in a flash of light*

Ryan: “It worked!”

*Ryan starts vigorously scratching his wrist*

Ryan: “Finally! I’ve been itching underneath the Omnitrix for months!”

*Wlidvine and April have a sort of disgusted facial expression. Realization washes over the kid’s face*

Ryan: “Uh guys? Who’s watching Maltruant?”

*Just as the question leaves Ryan’s mouth, Jon’s Ultimatrix runs out of power, and he turns back to human in a flash of red light. Eon kicks Jon off him, with Jon landing by April and Ryan*

Jon: “I’d like one day where the Universe wouldn’t hate me. So April where is Maltruant?”

April: “I thought Ryan was watching him?”

Ryan: “I thought YOU were watching him!”

April: “How can I when I was sending your stupid watch to Azmuth!”

Jon: “Calm down!”

*Ryan turns around just in time to see Eon and Maltruant leave through one of Eon’s portals*

Ryan: “Well...crud.”

*Just then, Azmuth teleports in, carrying Ryan’s Omnitrix*

Ryan: “Azmuth?”

Azmuth: “I presume this is yours. How did you get it in such a state! The amount of greasy finger stains can cause the Omnitrix to malfunction you know. And who is he?”

Ryan: “First, name is Ryan McCrimmon. Second, I can’t help that I like hamburgers and french fries! The reason I got the Omnitrix so greasy in the first place was that the Azmuth in my dimension never mentioned whether or not the watch was waterproof, so I never washed the grease off.”

*Jon and April facepalm*

Jon: “I’m really having doubts about you. Didn’t your Azmuth even mention water?”

Azmuth: “This is something I can’t really be dealing with at the moment. I have too much work to do than to listen to this nonsense.”

Ryan: “Hey! Then please at least get me home. Or at least try.”

*Ryan turns to look at Jon and April*

Ryan: “Well, after helping Jon and April with Eon and Maltruant that is.”

Azmuth: “The truth is I don’t know anything about dimension travel.”

April: “But you did when you sent Jon to another dimension.”

Azmuth: “I was lucky.”

Ryan: “WHAT!? And you say you’re the smartest being in five galaxies.”

Azmuth: “Six actually, but no-one notices.”

Jon: “None of this matters. Where will Maltruant attack next? I would get the Plumbers to look for them through our computers, but it seems in my absence, they have been destroyed.”

*Ryan raises a hand sheepishly*

Ryan: “Sorry, I crushed them when Maltruant sent Clockwork flying. Anyway, I think I can give you some Feedback on that situation.”

*Ryan activates the newly repaired Omnitrix, transforming into his conductoid form*’

Ryan: “Do you have an Undertown in this dimension? Eon might try to hide Maltruant there.”

*Jon’s phone goes off and he answers it.*

Jon: “Hey….yep….Okay, we’ll be right there. Thanks Eva”

*Jon puts his phone away*

Jon: “You were right, Eon is in Undertown. Downside is, Undertown is in America and we are in England. But the good news is I have an Anodite form which can create a portal over there.”

*Jon hits his Ultimatrix transforming into Anargy (Anodite)*

Ryan: “Oh, I remember this species. My grandma’s one. She visited not too long ago. Anyway, what are we waiting for?”

Anargy: “April, stay here.”

Ryan: “No way, we could use her absorbing powers. She did do this after all.”

*Ryan holds up Maltruant’s key*

Anargy: “Okay then, that’s good enough proof.”

*Anargy opens a portal which connects to Undertown in America. Ryan’s Omnitrix suddenly emits a series of brown sparks*

Ryan: “Oh no! Not again!”

Omnitrix: “Error. Error. DNA scan can not be completed. Subject matches the default DNA.”

Ryan: “Jon, I think it’s trying to scan your Anodite form, but can’t. I am part Anodite after all.”

*Ryan turns on Azmuth, who is still in the room*

Ryan: :”Azmuth, do something quick!”

*Azmuth gets a chip out of his pocket and places it on Ryan’s Omnitrix's face plate, aborting the scanning process*

Azmuth: “That is all I can do.”

April: “And while we talk, Eon and Maltruant could be out of Undertown.”

Anargy: “I have no idea how long I can keep this portal open. It’s my first time trying this properly and not in training. Now go through!”

*Ryan runs up to the portal, pausing for a second to turn  his head and upper body to Azmuth*

Ryan: “Thanks. For everything.”

*Ryan runs through the portal*

Anargy: “April you next!”

*April goes through the portal, with Anargy close behind. They all end up in Undertown, close to where Eon and Maltruant are. The portal closes and Anargy hits the Ultimatrix face plate and reverts into Jon.*

April: “Good work Jon.”

Ryan: “Got any electric aliens? Because, like I said earlier, I want to dish out...well...”

*Ryan gestures to himself, or rather Feedback, as he was still transformed*

Jon: “I have Feedback, Shocksquatch and AmpFibian. Come to think about it, that is really it.”

April:” I’m presuming Ryan wants to use your aliens electricity to give himself some power.”

Jon: “Dude, if that’s the case, that is just wrong. But I’ll do it.”

*Ryan’s Omnitrix suddenly beeps, and the kid turns back to human in a flash of orange light*

Ryan: “Man. Well, maybe we could save that idea for later.”

April: “Yeah. Though where in Undertown would Maltruant and Eon be?”

Jon: “I traced their energy while I was Anargy and created a portal to get us as close to them as possible, so ten maybe 20 foot radius from here. Any ideas Ryan? You’ve met Maltruant before and you know how he operates.”

Ryan: “Oh, I just remembered! Someone from a friend of mine can help us.”

*Ryan takes out a couple of spherical devices, red on top white on the bottom*

Ryan: “Dedenne and Watortle might be able to help.”

Jon: “What turtle and De-what?”

April: “You have aliens in them spheres?”

*Ryan rolls his eyes, tossing the spheres in the air. Two animal-like creatures pop out of them*

Ryan: “They’re not aliens, they’re Pokémon. Creatures with all sorts of amazing powers.”

*Jon and April have very confused expressions on their faces*

April: “They are a rat and a turtle.”

Jon: “We don’t have these ‘Pokémon’ in our dimension. What do they do? And how can they help? I could just go Wildmutt and sniff them out.”

Ryan: “Well, my dimension doesn’t have them either. I just got them from a different one.”

Jon: “Okay. Makes a bit more sense. Though I’m still voting Wildmutt.”

April: “You have to admit, they are cute.”

*Jon gives April a raised eyebrow*

Ryan: “Don’t be fooled. Watortle, Dedenne, show them what you’ve got! Thundershock and Water Gun!”

*Dedenne sends out a jolt of electricity, while Watortle sends out a strong stream of water*

Ryan: “They may be cute, but they pack a punch. Thanks you two.”

*Ryan holds up the spheres again, and a red beam from each sucks the two Pokémon inside*

Ryan: “These are Pokéballs by the way.”

Jon: “Pokéballs? So like the shortened version of Pocket Balls?”

April: “Well we should be trying to find Maltruant and Eon.”

Jon: “Agreed.”

Ryan: “Jon, if you will. I think those two are ready for a ‘Wildmutt’, if you know what I mean.”

*Jon activates his Ultimatrix and selects Wildmutt. Jon hits the core down and transforms into Wildmutt.*

April: “Now you can’t talk.”

*Wildmutt hits the Ultimatrix symbol and transforms into Ultimate Wildmutt.*

U. Wildmutt: “Better sis?”

*Ryan walks up to Ultimate Wildmutt, and examines the symbol on his chest*

Ryan: “What’s with the spikes?”

U. Wildmutt: “Signifies I am in Ultimate mode. Actually I have no clue.”

Ryan: “‘Ultimate mode’?”

U. Wildmutt: “Well just going Ultimate doesn’t give my aliens who can’t talk in normal form, the ability to talk. My aliens get even more power. Though I have had trouble with an alien in the past and it got out of the Ultimatrix.”

Ryan: “Oh! Now I get where the name ‘Ultimatrix’ comes from.”

April “So Jon, where are Maltruant and Eon?”

Ryan: “Looks like we didn’t need Wildmutt after all. Look behind you!”

*Ryan points behind April, where Eon is standing*

Eon: “I believe you have something of ours.”

*Ryan looks to the key, which he’s still holding*

Ryan: “Over my dead body!”

April: “You know the Universe may get you for that.”

Ryan: “Whatever. Jon, you and April occupy Eon. I’ll handle Maltruant and the key.”

*The kid looks to the Omnitrix, which is still orange*

Ryan: “Sure I have a recharging Omnitrix, but that won’t stop me.”

U. Wildmutt: “I can handle Eon by myself, I have fought him before. April, help Ryan.”

*Ryan runs off. April follows close behind. As they’re running, Ryan strikes up conversation*

Ryan: “So. Where’d the superpowers come from? Naturally gifted? Learned?”

April: “I found out I was ¼ Osmosian when I went to another dimension to see Jon after he left when I was in a comatose state.  Since then, we have been a team. Jon, Jack and I.”

*Ryan screeches to a halt, looking up.*

Ryan: “Vilgax!”

April:”Not Vilgax, worse.”

Ryan: “What could be worse than Vilgax!?”

April: “Ultimate Vilgax!”

U. Vilgax: “Ah, Marron’s baby sister. 17 now, while he is 19. You can’t beat me.”

*Ultimate Vilgax notices Ryan and his Omnitrix.*

U. Vilgax: “Another Omnitrix? This is fascinating.”

Ryan: “Cut the crap Squidface. I may not be able to transform right now, but I can still taunt you. Then April can beat your face in.”

*Ultimate Vilgax begins to laugh*

U. Vilgax: “Don’t make me laugh.”

Ryan: “You just did.”

*Ryan smirks, then sees the Omnitrix is finally recharged. he takes out one of the Pokéballs*

Ryan: Anyway, let’s see if you can handle an Omnitrix, April and a Pokémon!”

*The kid throws the Pokéball, and Dedenne pops out. Ryan then activates the Omnitrix, once again transforming into Feedback*

Feedback: “Dedenne, charge me up with Thundershock!”

*Dedenne shoots off some electricity, and Feedback absorbs it*

Ryan: “Now, let’s fry this squid!”

*Both the Conductoid and the Pokémon send their respective attacks hurtling at Ultimate Vilgax. Ultimate Vilgax transforms his body into Chromastone. He is the size of Ultimate Vilgax, but has purple armour. Ultimate Vilgax takes the attacks, absorbing it.*

April: “I haven’t beat him before, plus he has all of Jon’s aliens in his system. That is how he is worse than normal Vilgax!”

Feedback: “Sorry Dedenne, looks like we’re outmatched.”

*There is a pocket in Feedback’s upper thigh, where Ryan’s Pokéballs are stored when he transforms. He takes out the Pokéball for Dedenne, and returns it inside. The Omnitrix, somehow realizing Feedback wasn’t usable, transforms Ryan back to human form. But the flash of light is brown, as apposed to orange. Ryan looks to the face*

Ryan: “Huh? Alright! Looks like the Omnitrix let me off the hook this time!”

*But just before Ryan could reactivate the Omnitrix, Eon flies into Ultimate Vilgax and both of them land on the floor. Jon, as Ultimate Humungousaur, walks in.*

U. Humungousaur: “ Eon is done. And now we have Ultimate Squid Face too!”

*Ultimate Vilgax gets up, chucking Eon off him.*

U. Vilgax: “That is Ultimate Vilgax! How many times?!”

April: “When will you learn, we don’t care Vilgax.”

Ryan: “You certainly took your time.”

U. Humungousaur: “Eon was a bit more trickier than last time as he kept sending his minions. But now we have Ultimate Vilgax to deal with too. Has April filled you in about this guy?”

Ryan: “Yeah. But no matter what form or dimension, he’s still the same old Squidface I love to butt-kick.”

U. Humungousaur: “Have you tried soundwaves?”

Ryan: “No, but I don’t have an alien for that. Do you?”

*Ultimate Humungousaur hits his Ultimatrix symbol and transforms straight into Ultimate Echo Echo. Ultimate Echo Echo sends blue disks around Eon  and Ultimate Vilgax and emits sound waves, causing them both distress.*

April:” Didn’t know you could go straight from Ultimate to another Ultimate.”

U. Echo Echo: “ I shouldn’t. Guess Azmuth included a patch.”

*Both Ultimate Vilgax and Eon, fall to the floor unconscious. Jon’s Ultimatrix times out and he reverts to Human, but his eyes glow green for a few seconds*

Ryan: “Guessing you’re part Anodite as well.”

Jon: “Nope fully Human. Sometimes after going Ultimate for too long, that happens.”

April: “And sometimes he faints straight after.”

*That’s exactly what happens*

Ryan: “Like now?”

April: “Seems like the case. What do we do about Ultimate Vilgax and Eon since they are knocked out?”

Ryan: “I seem to remember the Omnitrix having the ability to revert DNA. Maybe the Ultimatrix does as well.”

April: “It does. But since Gavin made Ultimate Vilgax have this power through Jon’s old Omnitrix, I know it won’t work on Ultimate Vilgax.”

Ryan: “What about my Omnitrix? It’s not connected to anyone. It might work.”

April: “Paradox once said, after a near destruction of this planet, that Ultimate Vilgax has the DNA bonded with his and it can’t be undone. Especially since he has a Celestialsapien DNA, but Jon doesn’t have that so we have no idea how he got it.”

Ryan: “Celestialsapien? Oh! You mean the species Alien X came from. My future self has him. Met him when he went to-.”

*Ryan breaks off, gasping in realization*

Ryan: “The Forge of Creation! That’s where Squidface got the Celestialsapien DNA from!”

April: “That’s a possibility. But let’s not dwell on that now. We need to get Ultimate Vilgax and Eon away or something. We need to do something before they wake up.”

*Ryan goes over to Jon, intending to wake him up. but when he shakes Jon’s arm, the Ultimatrix detaches from it*

Ryan: “Huh? Why did it do that?”

Ultimatrix: “Error. Vaxasaurian DNA depleted. Ultimatrix must return to Primus.”

*The Ultimatrix teleports away*

Ryan: “‘Primus?’”

April: “ The Planet which has the alien DNA, but Azmuth has rerouted it to go to his lab. The Ultimatrix will go to Azmuth but its seems the location is still set to the default.”

*Ryan starts shaking Jon again, speaking as he does so*

Ryan: “I guess wherever Primus originally was, mine is still there.”

*The kid turns to Jon*

Ryan: “Wake up buddy. We’ve gotta get these thugs to Plumbers’ HQ before they wake up.”

*Ryan bonks Jon lightly on the head*

Jon: “Hey!”

*Jon gets up*

Jon: “No hitting me.”

Ryan: “Well you were knocked out. And there’s one more problem.”

Jon: “What’s that?”

April: “Your Ultimatrix has gone to Azmuth.”

*Jon looks at his left wrist where the Ultimatrix was.*

Ryan: “Yeah. Apparently it was out of Humungosaur’s DNA.”

Jon: “That’s strange. That’s never happened. Oh well, Azmuth will fix the fault. Soon hopefully”

April: “In the meantime, we need to get them two to Plumber HQ.”

*Ryan rummages in his pocket for a moment or two, then pulls out his Plumbers badge*

Ryan: “Send me the coordinates for Plumber HQ. I’m starving, and I’m gonna ‘XLR8’ to Burger Shack.”

April: “Good thing we are in Bellwood and not London, as there’s none in London.”

*Jon uses his Plumber badge and sends Ryan the co-ordinates for the Bellwood Plumber base and London Plumber base.*

Ryan: “Thanks.”

April: “So we couldn’t find Maltruant.”

Ryan: “He’s probably plotting in some time vortex or something. We’ve still got this.”

*He holds up Maltruant’s key*

Ryan: “Now, to order a triple decker cheeseburger.”

*Ryan activates the Omnitrix, turning into XLR8. XLR8 runs off, taking Ultimate Vilgax and Eon to the Plumbers Base in Bellwood. Deciding the key the key would be better with the older powerhouses, he had left it on the ground*

Jon: “And there he goes.”

April: “So where should we go?”

Jon: “Best place is the Plumber base in Bellwood. I would get us there fast but I have no Ultimatrix.”

???: “I do.”

*A figure comes out from the shadows. It appears to be another Ryan, but his hair is grey, and his clothes are purple. There’s something strapped to the back of his left hand

April: “And who is that?”

Jon: “I’m guessing another version of Ryan. I need to get Paradox to give me a list of all the possible alternate reality counterparts.”

???: “Unfortunately, I am from the same timeline as my, as it appears, yet-to-be retched enemy. I was banished here by the Azmuth in our dimension. But that fool never thought to remove my Ultimatrix!”

*The stranger thrusts his left hand into the air, and the siblings can see an Omnitrix-like device there*

April: “Of course he has an Ultimatrix.”

???: “Call me Alpha, since you didn’t ask.”

Jon: “I didn’t ask because I didn’t care. And by the sounds of it, you’re a villain.”

*Alpha retaliates by activating the Ultimatrix and turning into Ultimate Buzzshock*

Jon: “Wow, because that’s fair.”

*Jon pulls out a Plumber Gun from his pocket.*

Jon: Don’t think turning into an electric alien will help you.”

Alpha: “Oh I think I will.”

*With an evil smirk, Alpha uses an electrical attack on the gun, and it shortens out. At the same time, Ryan comes back. Seeing Ultimate Buzzshock, the kid groans*

Ryan: “And I just used XLR8 to get back here.”

*Alpha turns to Ryan, turns into Ultimate Artiguanna, and freezes the young Omnitrix wielder in a block of ice. After that, he turns back into his ‘Ryan’ form*

Alpha: “And now, to finish you both off.”

*Turning to face Jon and April, Alpha uses the Ultimatrix to turn into Ultimate Four Arms*

April: “Damn, he does like his Ultimates.”

Jon: “Well that’s fine.”

April: “You’re going to fight him without any powers, aren’t you?”

Jon: “Why do you bother asking if you know what I’m going to do”

*Jon runs up to Alpha and skids under his legs. Alpha turns round, goes to punch Jon, but Jon jumps onto Alpha’s arm and then jump kicks Alpha in the face. While this is going on, the ice around Ryan begins to melt, and after a brief struggle, the kid manages to reach the Omnitrix and turn into Heatblast and melt the ice completely*

Ryan: “Need some help you two?”

*But just before Ryan can start attacking, there is a flash of light, and something hits him on the head. it’s revealed to be Jon’s Ultimatrix*

Ryan: “Hey Jon, heads up!”

*Ryan picks up the Ultimatrix, and thrusts it in Jon’s direction*

Jon: “Thanks.”

*Jon jumps off Alpha and grabs his Ultimatrix and puts it on his left wrist. When Jon lands, he hits the Ultimatrix and transforms into Water Hazard.*

Water Hazard: “I was going for Four Arms. Give me a break.”

April: “You still haven’t mastered it?”

Ryan: “Cut him some slack April.”

*Ryan throws some fireballs at Alpha, but the twin turns into Ghostfreak at the last second, and they fly straight through, hitting a building nearby. just then, the Omnitrix runs out of juice, turning Ryan back to human form*

Ryan: “Seriously!?”

*Seeing this, Alpha turns into Jetray, and flies off. Water Hazard fires some water burst at Alpha, but misses.*

Ryan: “Who was that guy? One of yours?”

April: “Yeah, totally.”

Water Hazard: “Your sarcasm is really bad. Hey Ryan, want me to recharge your Omnitrix?”

Ryan: “Excuse the bad pun, but are you saying you’re going to give it an…’Upgrade’?”

Water Hazard: “Good try kid.”

*Water Hazard hits the Ultimatrix symbol and reverts into Jon. Jon then goes over to Ryan and fiddle with Ryan’s Omnitrix and it has full power.*

Jon: “There you go.”

Ryan: “Wow. I’ve gotta learn how to do that.”

*A thought reaches the kid’s head*

Ryan: “Does this mean you know how to remove the watch? Not saying I want to, but just in case I do in the future.”

Jon: “Each Omnitrix has a similar design so maybe, but not doing it correctly can cause pain. I remember failing that and it hurt a lot.”

Ryan: “Oh yeah. I remember an incident with my Kevin Eleven and Vilgax where they removed my Omnitrix.”

*Ryan tears up slightly, remembering the pain of the removal, and the thought he was never going to be able to become his aliens again*

Ryan: “Luckily, my cousin Melody made sure I got it back.”

April: “That was lucky.”

*Jon’s Ultimatrix flashes. Jon activates his comms.”

Jon: “Magister Marron here.”

Plumber (Through Ultimatrix): “Malware has been sighted.”

Ryan: “You mean that rouge Galvanic Mechamorph that Azmuth created?”

Plumber (Through Ultimatrix): “Yes. But I thought he was destroyed.”

Jon: Where is he? After Azmuth failed, it’s about time I try.”

*April coughs. Ryan shoots him an annoyed look*

Jon: “We’ll try.”

Plumber: “Section 8 Theta.”

*As Jon shuts the com-link off, Ryan begins to pace back and forth deep in thought*

Ryan: “What’s Section 8 Theta?”

Jon: “A Null Void Portal in Bellwood, under Freidkin University.”

April: “I thought that was closed down.”

Ryan: “Apparently not.“

*Ryan stops pacing and snaps his fingers*


April: “What is genius?”

Ryan: “Maltruant is using Malware to boost his power!”

Jon: “Is that possible? That would be like Ultimate Clockwork.”

Ryan: “It’s not just possible, I’ve done it. With one of my alternate selves. We fused Upgrade and Clockwork, and Clockwork was able to run faster than normally possible.”

Jon: “I can do that without even fusing. Though if this is true, then we need to hurry there. April, hold on tight.”

*Jon hits the Ultimatrix and transforms into Fasttrack.*

Ryan: “Not to mention I was able to morph Clockwork’s hand into a drill. Put that alien combination to evil uses, and it’s pretty much doomsday. Not that we’re not going to try!”

*Ryan activates the Omnitrix, turning into Stinkfly*

Ryan: “Sorry, but this is the only flying alien I have at the moment.”

April: “I’m glad I’m going on the ground.”

*Fasttrack picks April up and runs off. Ryan flies after them. When they arrive, they find Maltruant, apparently alone. To get his attention, Ryan squirted them with goo*

Fasttrack: “Great idea!”

*Fasttrack places April down and transforms into Heatblast and throws a fireball at Maltruant, who is covered in Stinkfly goo. There’s an explosion, but while the heroes were affected, it seems Maltruant has extra protection. Some of the building had crumbled, and some of the pieces fell on top of Ryan, knocking him out and causing the Omnitrix to automatically change him back to human. Although those were the negatives, one positive was that Ryan still had some form of shielding, however small it was*

April: “So that happened…..again.”

Heatblast: “Better suit up, I’ll need help defeating Maltruant.”

*April absorbs the ground, turning into stone form.*

April: “Hold on, Maltruant why are you in our Universe anyway?”

*A voice speaks from Maltruant, but it doesn’t sound like him at all*

???: “I needed some power.”

*A red-and-black pattern appears on Maltruant, and it blobs up. going on the ground, the blob reformed to form Malware*

Malware: “Ah, Jon Marron, wielder of the Omnitrix. I see you’ve changed a lot from our last encounter.”

*Malware forms his hand into a laser cannon*

Malware: “Not that it will help you.”

*Malware fires the cannon in Jon’s direction. But Ryan had recovered just in time, and had turned into Feedback to save Jon*

Ryan: “You’re welcome.”

*Ryan fires the blast back at Malware, but Maltruant steps in, using his time powers to slow the laser down enough to move Malware out of the way, and move himself. Once that was done, Maltruant reset time back to normal*

Ryan: “Not fair.”

*Ryan steps back to be next to Jon*

Ryan (whispering): “You and April still have Maltruant’s key right?”

April (Whispering): “Yeah.”

Heatblast: “Malware, I thought you would have noticed the new Ultimatrix. Then again we haven’t met for 5 years.”

*Heatblast hits the Ultimatrix symbol and reverts into Jon. The Omnitrix does the same for Ryan*

Ryan: “We have what you really want anyway.”

*Ryan holds up the key*

Malware: “Yes. But I suppose you’ll try to bargain with us.”

Ryan: “True. But it’s a simple one. Promise to leave this planet, and Maltruant will get the key back.”

April: “Get out of our Universe I think Ryan means. It isn’t your Universe Ryan.”

*Ryan groans*

Ryan: “Way to spoil the moment April.”

Jon: “MAltruant was going to double cross you anyway. He’s like Vilgax, doesn’t negotiate.All i care about is them getting out of my Universe.”

Ryan (Whispering): I know about the double-crossing. Which is why I’m going to ask you to turn into Alien X as soon as I give him the key.”

Jon (Whispering): I don’t have Celestialsapien DNA in the Ultimatrix, so that plan wouldn’t work.”

April: “Why use Eon, Ultimate Vilgax and that Ultimatrix using guy? Are they with you or were they distractions?”

Maltruant: “Smart. Yes, they were pawns in my plan. Although Alpha, I will admit, was simply luck. He was already here. Now if you would hand me my key, I’ll be on my way.”

*Ryan tosses the key to Maltruant, who sticks it back into his head. At the same time….*

Omnitrix: “Celestialsapien DNA unlocked. Transformation ten of playlist two temporarily available.”

Ryan: “Good enough for me!”

*Ryan shuts his eyes and slams his palm onto the Omnitrix, transforming into Alien X. Opening his eyes, Ryan finds himself floating in a star-filled void*

Ryan: “Huh? Where am I?”

*He looks up, seeing two brown faces floating in front of him*

Ryan: “And who are you two?“

Bellicus: “I am Bellicus, and this is Serena. We are the two voices within the Celestialsapien.”

Serena: “We are powerful beings and we debate what the next action should be. Since your here, you are the third voter and can choose to agree or disagree with the statement said.”

Ryan: “Cool. Well, I need Alien X’s help. Two of this universe’s most powerful villains, A Chronosapien and a Galvanic Mechamorph, are teamed up. If I let them win, the entire multiverse is at stake in more ways than one. And so are you two. I need to help. I...don’t know what to do. Can you help me?”

Serena: “Yes we can.”

Bellicus: “But first we have other agenda. I vote we should get rid of the Highbreed from the Multiverse.”

*Serena is about to reply when..*

Ryan: “Don’t you get it!? you run the risk of being wiped out and you want to talk ethics!? I beg for your help, and all you care about is your stupid debating!? I meant it when I said the multiverse was at stake, and if I can’t save it because of you two stupidly throwing your lives away, I shouldn’t have become a hero!”

Serena: “Is this a vote?”

Bellicus: “You don’t get it do you. We live in our own Universe. We don’t care what Maltruant and Malwa-.”

*Ryan screams in frustration*

Serena: “Do you want to see how your friends are doing or shall we continue debating?”

Ryan: “I want to see my friends.”

*A little window opens, and Ryan sees that Maltruant and Malware are kicking Jon and April’s butts*

Ryan: “You see!? They need me! They need you! I won’t stand for this injustice. Help them, or so help me I’ll do something I’ll regret.”

Serena: “You can’t access your Omnitrix unless we allow it. Plus Jon seems to be doing okay.”

*We see Jon transform into Gravattack and use his gravitational powers on Malware and Maltruant. Malware sends an electric pulse at Gravattack and Gravattack releases his gravitational grip. The Ultimatrix has shorted out because of this, and Jon turns back to human*

Serena: “Okay, mostly okay.”

Ryan: “You see!? Alien X is needed! I’m needed! The Omnitrix only has access to Alien X for a few more minutes, and I need you to cooperate! After that, Alien X’s DNA will be inaccessible, and you can argue in peace. Please!”

Serena: “What do you vote for? We have to vote.”

Ryan: “I vote for temporary use of Alien X until I save my friends. I also vote for me being able to leave Alien X.”

Bellicus: “Seconded.”

Serena: “Vote agreed. You will have 5 minutes of Alien X then your Omnitrix will time out.”

*Outside Alien X, Jon has passed out. Ryan uses Alien X’s power to revive him, then he uses more power to break Maltruant into pieces and scatter them across the multiverse. And then Ryan petrifies Malware*

Ryan: “Done. Oh wait, not done.”

*Ryan makes Alien X walk over to Jon, and point to his Ultimatrix*

April: “What are you going to do?”

*When Jon holds up the Ultimatrix, Ryan uses Alien X’s power to repair the damage Malware caused*

Ryan: “Now I’m done.”

*There’s a pause*

Ryan: “It hasn’t been five minutes has it?”

*When Serena and Bellicus nod, Ryan groans*

Serena: “You still have a few minutes left. Now we have a few minutes to vote.”

Ryan: “Oh no, that wasn’t part of the deal. But I do want to propose something of my own. Is that alright?”

Bellicus: “What do you wish to vote?”

Ryan: “If I ever unlock Alien X permanently, I wish to get full access to his powers. However, I will only use Alien X if my other aliens don’t work beforehand. That is to say, if I get full access, I promise to not abuse the power I have.”

Serena: “Motion carried.”

Bellicus: “But if you misuse Alien X, you come back here and we will vote.”

*As Ryan nods his agreement, the Omnitrix begins to blink orange*

Ryan: “Looks like time’s up.”

*He looks to both beings with a smile*

Ryan: “Thank you.”

*A flash of orange light appears, and Ryan appears to Jon and April, human again*

Ryan: “You two alright?”

Jon: “Yeah, thanks. But what about Eon, Ultimate Vilgax and that Alpha guy?”

Ryan: “Oh, they’re an adventure for another day. Right now, I want to get back to my cousin and Grandpa for summer vacation.”

Omnitrix: “Celestialsapien DNA locked. This transformation is no longer available.”

Ryan: “Man. Now what?”

*A blue portal appears, and Paradox walks out of it*

Ryan: “Of course.”

*Waving to Jon and April, Ryan follows Paradox through the portal* THE END


Ryan McCrimmon

Jon Marron

April Marron



Ultimate Vilgax





Aliens Used[]


  • Timey-Wimey x2
  • Feedback x3
  • Heatblast
  • Stinkfly
  • Alien X

