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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Zs'Skayred it is the Sixth episode of Rex 14


Zs'Skayr is Shown sitting in a chair

(Zs'Skayr)I will destroy Rex Fourteenason and his Opticoid Friend

(Minion 1)Yes master you will destroy him

(Minion 2)Master would you like anything


Zs'Skayr Throughs the second minon outside in the sun


Theme song

Rex and Socket are Playing Basketball

(Rex) Socket this is your first time playing Basketball and you have scored 14 Basket's,are you sure this you first time?

(Socket) Yes its my first time I think its because Opticoids are tall aliens

(Rex) I guess your right

(Socket)I am alway's right

(Rex) No your not,who would win in a fight of Waybig and some creepy Ghost

(Socket) Some creepy Ghost

Suddenly Zs'Skayr came out of a Tree and Rex transforms into Waybig

(Waybig) Socket I hope your wrong

(Socket) Me two

(Waybig) Its Zs'Skayr

(Zs'Skayr) Yes and it will be the last time you see me because I will KILL YOU

Zs'Skayr grow's as big as waybig

(WayBig) I did not know he could do that

(Socket)Me neither



Ectonurite Minion's came from the ground

(Socket)Its was a Summoning spell!



(Zs'skayr)NO I AM Not a coward

Socket blasted Zs'Skayr with his Energy Beam


Zs'skayr got smaller and went up to Socket


Socket's eyes went completley white

(Socket) What shall I do Master

(Zs'Skayr) Destroy Rex Fourteenason

(Socket) Yes master

Socket has new powers like climbing up walls can turns his head completley around and super jump so Socket climbs on the wall and jumps on waybigs head 

(Waybig)Socket get off

(Socket)Thats not my NAME!!!

(Waybig)So what is your name?

(Socket)I don't know

(Waybig) your name is Socket

(Socket) Ok To'kustar You can think that

Waybig turns back into Rex

(Socket)You are Human

(Rex)Yes and you already know THAT!

(Socket)No Im not who you think I am

(Rex)Come on dude come back remember When I met you in the woods and Zs'skayr was trying to take over

Sightra and Remember The Krakken and Albedo do you remember the Weeping angels That was last week

Socket's eye's go back the right colour

(Rex)Your back

(Socket)Where have I been?

(Zs'Skayr)NO NO NO,Minions get them

Rex transforms into Crashhopper

(Crashhopper)Who is this guy Hhhhmmmm why not Crashhopper

Crashhopper jumps onto a tree and jumps onto Zs'Skayr,Crashhopper went sraight through him


Crashhopper changes into Heatblast

(Heatblast)Yes I defeated you doing this last time


Heatblast blast's flames at Zs'Skayr


Zs'Skayr Disappears

Heatblast turns back into Rex

(Rex)Socket lets go to your ship


They walk of and you see Zs'Skayrs hand stick the ground



Rex Fourteenason


Alien Debuets[]


Alien's used[]






Ectonurite minions

The Krakken(Mentioned)


Weeping angels(Mentioned and Flashback)
